Pubdate: Sun, 26 May 2002
Source: Ukiah Daily Journal, The (CA)
Copyright: 2002, MediaNews Group, Inc
Author: Mark Hedges


Other North State Businesses Damaged

An arson fire burned the Ukiah Cannabis Club Saturday morning, causing 
extensive damage and blackening neighboring structures as well.

A man who told The Daily Journal he was upset with the Ukiah Cannabis Club, 
claiming club members owed him money for the crop of marijuana he grew for 
them, was arrested at the scene.

The flames spread into the attic of the Forest Club, and the China Chef and 
North State Cafe also sustained smoke damage.

It was around 9 a.m. when Ukiah Police officers responded to a silent 
burglary alarm at the pharmacy of Millie Lehrman at 247 N. State St. While 
it maintained a very low profile, the pharmacy is generally known as the 
contact site for the Ukiah Cannabis Club.

The first officer on the scene saw the front door had been forced open, but 
was barricaded shut again with a TV set, and there was smoke coming from 
the interior.

The officer called for the Ukiah Fire Department to respond. The officer 
and store manager entered the business and began extinguishing a small 
fire, when they heard a male voice in the back of the store.

They called for the individual to come out from the back, but he refused, 
so the officer and manager waited at the door for additional officers and 
firefighters to arrive.

The man in the back of the store, later identified as William Howard Ryan, 
51, of Willits, telephoned UPD dispatch, saying he was armed and that he 
would shoot anyone coming to get him.

Officers and firefighters heard muffled shots from the interior of the 
store. The building was surrounded by Ukiah Police officers, Mendocino 
County sheriff's deputies and California Highway Patrol officers.

Ryan ultimately attempted to flee out the rear of the store, where he was 
taken into custody.

Firefighters from the Ukiah Fire Department, Ukiah Valley Fire District, 
and California Department of Forestry then extinguished the flames inside 
the building and prevented the destruction of surrounding buildings. Ukiah 
Police detectives and Ukiah Fire Department personnel investigated the 
area, which had extensive fire damage.

Additional assistance was provided by CHP aviators, CDF law enforcement, 
and California Department of Fish & Game officers. Two off-duty UPD 
officers also responded to handle incoming calls for service while the 
on-duty officers were working this crime scene.

A spokesman for the fire units that battled the blaze said the Cannabis 
Club was "wiped out."

Ryan was arrested on charges of arson, burglary and possession of hashish. 
He was interviewed by The Daily Journal just days ago when he claimed he 
was going to sue the Ukiah Cannabis Club for the money he says he is owed.

Some witnesses said they saw Ryan enter the building with what looked like 
grenades strapped to his body. There were also reports the suspect carried 
a weapon, though that was not corroborated by police.

A spokesperson for the Forest Club said the bar would be closed for a short 
time only.
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MAP posted-by: Beth