Pubdate: Sun, 10 Aug 2003
Source: Star, The (Malaysia)
Copyright: 2003 Star Publications (Malaysia) Bhd.


KOTA BARU: A 57-year-old fisherman was sent to the gallows after he was 
found guilty of trafficking in more than 500gm of cannabis two years ago.

In passing the sentence against Mijan Mohd Deros yesterday, High Court 
Justice Sulaiman Daud said the prosecution had proven beyond reasonable 
doubt that Mijan had the intention to sell the cannabis and he had 
exclusive control and knowledge of the drug.

He added that the court could not accept Mijan's testimony that he was a 
drug addict and the cannabis was for his own consumption.

"On the balance of probability, it is difficult for the court to believe 
that the 84 packets of cannabis were for his own use.

"On his testimony that he was a drug addict, it was not corroborated by his 
family members as the defence failed to put them on the stand," he said.

Mijan, from Muar, was charged with trafficking in 527.5gm of cannabis at 
Pengkalan Haram Ibrahim Pencen in Rantau Panjang on Oct 18, 2001, at 5.10pm.

Justice Sulaiman added that the defence did not rebut the prosecution's 
contention that the accused had exclusive control of the drugs.

"In this case, there were collaborating testimony by the prosecution's 
witnesses that when Mijan was screened, packets of drugs fell out from his 

Mijan's defence counsel, Latifah Arrifin, had made an application to appeal 
against the sentence and conviction.

DPP Wan Azimah Yaacob prosecuted.
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