Pubdate: Tue, 16 Sep 2003 Source: Guelph Mercury (CN ON) Copyright: 2003 Guelph Mercury Newspapers Limited Contact: Details: Bookmark: (Needle Exchange) Bookmark: (Treatment) DRUG INJECTION SITE A REALITY While some of its potential clients huddled nearby, North America's first authorized drug-injection site had its long-awaited official opening Monday. The so-called safe-injection site won't be open to addicts for a week or so, but its political backers greeted the move with whoops and cheers. The controversial government-funded project will give users injection kits and allow them to shoot up inside under nurse supervision. Drug users sometimes will use dirty needles and water from puddles to shoot up. Now, addicts wanting to use the new facility will be ushered into a brightly-lit room lined on one side by open, mirrored booths where they can inject drugs. After finishing, they will be taken to a "chill out room," where they can receive counselling and peer referrals. Health Canada has committed $1.5 million to pay for research during the pilot project and the B.C. government will also give $2 million to help cover costs. - --- MAP posted-by: Larry Seguin