Pubdate: Fri, 21 Feb 2003
Source: Oakland Tribune, The (CA)
Copyright: 2003 MediaNews Group, Inc. and ANG Newspapers
Author: Josh Richman, Staff Writer
Bookmark: (Cannabis - California)
Bookmark: (Cannabis - Medicinal)
Bookmark: (Rosenthal, Ed)


SAN FRANCISCO -- Two Bay Area lawmakers are leading Sacramento's effort to 
urge California's U.S. senators to secure states' rights to regulate and 
oversee medical use of marijuana.

State Sen. Don Perata, D-Oakland, and Assemblyman Mark Leno, D-San 
Francisco, have co-authored a letter signed by 48 legislative colleagues 
calling for an end to federal meddling in California's and other states' 
medical marijuana activities.

They want Congress to amend the Controlled Substances Act to allow a 
medical necessity defense -- exactly the goal of a bipartisan bill soon to 
be introduced by Reps. Sam Farr, D-Carmel; Lynn Woolsey, D-Petaluma; and 
Dana Rohrabacher, R-Huntington Beach.

They also want Congress to cut the budgets of any federal department which 
harasses, intimidates and prosecutes Californians who act under the 
auspices of the state's medical marijuana law. The Drug Enforcement Agency 
has been raiding medical marijuana dispensaries in the past few years, and 
U.S. attorney's offices in California have been prosecuting some of the 
cases; both agencies are part of the Justice Department. Leno disclosed the 
letter, addressed to Sens. Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer and signed by 
34 other Assembly members and 14 other state senators, at a news conference 
Thursday outside San Francisco's federal office building.

He announced he and Perata will introduce a legislative resolution next 
week to the same effect.

"We're here, very simply, to protect Proposition 215," Leno said, referring 
to the medical marijuana ballot initiative approved by 56 percent of voters 
in November 1996. "The federal government continues its assault on the will 
of the people of California."

Leno said the letter was inspired by the recent conviction of Oakland 
marijuana grower Ed Rosenthal by a federal jury, which was not allowed to 
consider his protection under state law and nor told of his protection 
under an Oakland ordinance. He called it "a miscarriage of justice."

Perata was not at the press conference. Later Thursday, he called the 
Rosenthal conviction "a huge step backward."

"It seems to me that it's a crystal-clear issue and that Congress ought to 
act, and come down on the side of medicine, not crime," he said.

Rosenthal was at the news conference, and said it was "very emotional ... 
and extremely gratifying" for him to see state lawmakers speaking out on 
his behalf. A Dateline NBC segment on Rosenthal's case is scheduled to air 
at 9 tonight.

Leno noted that Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass., probably will soon re-introduce 
the same bill he has authored in each of Congress' last several sessions, 
calling for marijuana to be moved to a less restrictive list within the 
Controlled Substances Act and forbidding the federal government to 
interfere with states' administration of their own medical marijuana laws.

About a third of California's House delegation co-sponsored the bill during 
Congress' last session, including all of the Bay Area's representatives 
except Ellen Tauscher, D-Alamo, and Richard Pombo, R-Tracy. The bill was 
referred to a House subcommittee, where it languished and never had a hearing.
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