Pubdate: Fri, 02 May 2003
Source: Register-Guard, The (OR)
Copyright: 2003 The Register-Guard
Author: Associated Press
Bookmark: (Cannabis - Medicinal)


SALEM - Restrictions on medical marijuana would be tightened under a bill
approved by the Oregon House.

The bill's sponsor, Rep. Jeff Kruse, R-Sutherlin, said it would avert
potential problems with the federal government, which has gone after
California's program in court.

``I have come over time to understand that this is legitimate medicine for
some folks,'' said Kruse, who is chairman of the House Health and Human
Services Committee.

``But it is also a very popular recreational device for a lot of other
folks. We need to make sure that the line between these two populations is
clear and distinct.''

A spokesman for A Life with Dignity Committee said the bill makes the wrong
changes to the law.

``It will severely limit patient access to medical marijuana,'' spokesman
Chris Rich said.

The bill, which moved to the Senate after it was approved 35-19 by the House
on Wednesday, would require patients to inform the state program about their
growing sites - information that can be furnished to authorized police

Kruse said registered patients would be issued two cards, one listing the
location of the site and the other without, so that patients or caregivers
would not be arrested for cultivation or possession.

The bill also would limit a designated caregiver to three mature and four
immature plants at one ``grow site,'' defined as one per street address.

The bill would allow the state to revoke the registration of anyone
convicted of manufacturing or delivering specified drugs, including
marijuana. Oregon is one of nine states that allows medical use of
marijuana, but patients in all states except California must produce their
own or receive it as a donation.
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