Pubdate: Mon, 06 Jan 2003 Source: Calgary Sun, The (CN AB) Copyright: 2003 The Calgary Sun Contact: Details: Author: Gerald R. Hall Note: Parenthetical remark by the Sun editor, headline by newshawk Letter of the Day MORAL ARGUMENT IGNORED Two recent Strategic Council surveys purportedly suggest Canadians are becoming more tolerant of the idea to decriminalize marijuana possession and recognize same-sex marriages. This is only further confirmation this country is in serious moral decline. It would appear that we are becoming a nation of "tolerant" fools willing to tolerate everything and anybody but having lost our moral compass. The interesting thing about this much praised "tolerance" is the extent to which we have become "intolerant" of traditional religious and moral values that were once the norm in this country and which faithfully served generations as a trusted guide. The moral argument on so many of these "hot issues" is almost always ignored. Judges routinely hand down "enlightened" rulings devoid of any moral considerations which often favour minorities while ignoring the wishes of the majority. Canada is losing respect around the world because of a misguided and ever-widening definition of "tolerance." It would appear that about the only thing we will not tolerate is the truth. Gerald R. Hall (The times they are a changin'.) - --- MAP posted-by: Richard Lake