Pubdate: Wed, 08 Jan 2003 Source: Vancouver Courier (CN BC) Copyright: 2003 Vancouver Courier Contact: Details: Author: Maria Stanborough Referenced: Bookmark: (Cannabis - Canada) Bookmark: (Decrim/Legalization) DECRIMINALIZATION OF POT WISHY WASHY To the editor: Thank you for Allen Garr's editorial on what's wrong with decriminalizing pot, and why it should be legalized ("Decriminalization just smoke and mirrors," Jan. 5). His succinct and logical explanation said what has to be said. When I see two or more drunks getting rowdy and hostile I always think that it wouldn't happen if they'd been smoking B.C.'s finest. As for decriminalization, it seems to me that cops will be handing out fines when, in the present environment, they simply turn a blind eye to small quantities of marijuana possession. Decriminalization is the ultimate in wishy-washy ideas. We would all be better off if a stronger, straightforward position were taken. Maria Stanborough, Vancouver - --- MAP posted-by: Terry Liittschwager