Pubdate: Thu, 09 Jan 2003
Source: Johnson City Press (TN)
Copyright: 2003 Johnson City Press and Associated Press
Author: James Watson


There was no decision made Wednesday by a state judge who heard arguments 
over a methadone clinic locating in Johnson City.

State Administrative Law Judge James A. Hornsby heard from both sides of 
the issue as they argued over motions regarding last year's approval of a 
certificate of need granted to the controversial clinic, but the judge 
decided to hold off ruling in the case until a later time.

"We have been told the judge has taken everything under advisement," 
Chamber of Commerce Executive Vice President Gary Mabrey said Wednesday night.

The chamber has joined forces with a long list of public and private 
organizations that are working to keep the Johnson City Addiction and 
Treatment Center LLC from opening a facility planned for 200 W. Fairview Ave.

The clinic would primarily utilize methadone, which is synthetically 
manufactured and used as a substitute for the treatment of people dependent 
on heroin and other opiates.

Clinic opponents have appealed the granting of the CON and will have the 
case heard in July, but they hoped a recent motion filed with Hornsby's 
court would make the new hearing unnecessary.

The motion maintains that the now-defunct Health Facilities Commission did 
not have a quorum when it voted to approve the CON in June, and thus the 
decision is invalid. All nine members of the commission were present for 
the vote, but Commissioner Janet Jones had to recuse herself from the 
decision because she was a Johnson City resident and her husband, John 
Jones, was active with many of the organizations opposing the clinic.

Officials with the clinic filed a countermotion to have the opponents' 
argument dismissed.

City Commissioner Steve Darden, who has been a leader in the opposition 
against the clinic, said it is common for judges to take time in 
considering such subjects.

"It's pretty rare that any judge would make a ruling on the spot," Darden 
said Wednesday night. "I don't think anything should be read into that as 
far as what (Hornsby) may ultimately do."

Darden said he also believes more evidence may need to be presented to the 
judge by both sides in the coming weeks before a decision can be reached.

But as for when the judge may come to a decision, Darden - who is also an 
attorney - said there is no specific deadline for a judgment.

"There is not a magic time frame," he said.

Though some members of the opposition were guessing about the possible 
outcome regarding Hornsby's decision, Darden said doing so was irresponsible.

"Speculation on how he will (decide) or when he will (decide) is nothing 
more than that: speculation," the commissioner said.

Numerous community members have been concerned a methadone a clinic would 
attract large numbers of drug users to the area and especially to downtown 
Johnson City, which is undergoing a revitalization.

Officials with the clinic had originally hoped to have it operating in the 
city by this month, but the ongoing legal battle has hampered efforts.
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