Pubdate: Thu, 03 Jul 2003
Source: Washington Times (DC)
Copyright: 2003 News World Communications, Inc.
Author: Joyce Nalepka
Cited: Cannabis News ( )
Bookmark: (Decrim/Legalization)
Bookmark: (Cannabis - Medicinal)


Yesterday's Op-Ed column, "Canada, Maryland going to pot," is right on 
target. A good gauge of the facts of the column is how angry the legalizers 
get and what their comments on their pro-drug Internet sites decry.

They resorted to name-calling and wrote vile and insulting comments about 
writer Robert Weiner and this column. (They posted the column on the 
pro-drug site -- -- and their comments follow the 
column.) This is a real education site for parents and grandparents to 
learn what young people are being told, especially about marijuana.

It's unfortunate that Maryland Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich Jr., a Republican, 
allowed himself to become entangled with the pro-drug web that succeeded in 
passing the "medical" marijuana hoax bill in Maryland -- even after 
hundreds, if not thousands, of parents, grandparents and service 
organization members wrote or called every single member of the legislature 
and Mr. Ehrlich, in an attempt to educate them to the fact that medicines, 
of any kind, should not be approved by voters or legislators -- or governors.

Unfortunately, young people who watch these events get a very strong 
message that tells them, "Pot is OK -- even with the governor." I 
personally contacted every member of both chambers of the Maryland 
legislature by e-mail and phone and hand delivered two lengthy educational 
pieces to every member. I received one response. It was a form letter from 
Delegate Ana Sol Gutierrez, Montgomery County Democrat, that said 
absolutely nothing related to the questions I had asked her.

Maryland voters should know that no one appears to be watching their 
legislature. On two occasions, when I was in the gallery watching the 
voting sessions, there were no more than four persons observing the 
proceedings. During this time, Delegate Joseph F. Vallario Jr., Prince 
George's County Democrat and chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, 
argued for giving drug traffickers higher points for good behavior so they 
could get out of jail sooner. The bill was HB 110, and it passed in the 
House. Please tell Mr. Vallario that "mind destruction" is a violent crime. 
Drugs destroy the brain.

HB 110 later failed in committee on the Senate side, but this ridiculous 
bill is a demonstration that we need a "legislative watch" committee in our 
state and that we need more balance in the numbers between Democrat and 
Republican elected officials. The Maryland legislature is so out of balance 
that there is no discussion. There is close to a two-thirds majority of 

Finally, Mr. Ehrlich and our Canadian friends need to hear from 
constituents that we do not want marijuana legalized and we believe 
protection of children is primary. Let the Food and Drug Administration 
decide what's medicine.


President Drug-Free Kids: America's Challenge
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