Pubdate: Mon, 16 Jun 2003
Source: Michigan Daily (Ann Arbor, MI Edu)
Copyright: 2003 The Michigan Daily
Author: Sarah Reaume


With drug and alcohol violations increasing nationally, the University
has followed suit with over twice the national average in reported
drug violations.

According to numbers released for the year 2001 by the Chronicle of
Higher Education, the University's alcohol violations increased by
three percent while drug violations have escalated by 14 percent.

"(Drugs don't) seem as popular as alcohol, so it's a surprise," LSA
freshman Megan Melcher said.

On the other hand, LSA freshman Lauren Larson said, "I see that
there's a lot more drug use, it's more fashionable now."

Since the size of residential hall populations are one of the major
contributing factors to the high reporting of drug and alcohol
violations, incoming students remain the foci of many University
substance abuse prevention programs.

Beginning with summer orientation, this year's new students will
receive written information and watch a performance by student theatre
group Res Rep focusing on the dangers of substance abuse and what to
do in an emergency, said Ann Hower, the director of the Office of New
Student Programming.

During the school year Marsha Benz, the Alcohol and Other Drug
Education coordinator, runs programming for substance abuse education.

But "there's no mandatory alcohol education for students at U of M
unless they're busted," Benz said.

The increase in drug and alcohol use can sometimes be predicted from
surveys of graduating high school students, said Patrice Flax,
coordinator of the Alcohol and Other Drugs Campus Initiatives.

"My feeling is a lot of the behavior comes from high school," Flax

But Larson said, "A normal expectation is that when you enter college
you will do drugs and you will do alcohol, regardless of whether or
not you've done them before."

But large residential halls are not the only reason for the increased
number of reported violations.

"The major football stadium here makes a big difference. About one
third of the alcohol violations are based on six to seven home
football Saturdays," said Diane Brown, spokeswoman for the Department
of Public Safety.

"(This) third is just related to usually about three or four hours
before, through the football game, and about an hour after the game."

Engaging in heavy alcohol consumption may result in both physical and
monetary damage for students.

Drew Chadwick, coordinator for Student Conduct and Conflict
Resolution, estimates that during the academic school year, there are
anywhere between 40 and 60 drug or alcohol related transports of
University students from residential halls to the hospital.

"Alcohol was the single most frequent cause for going to the emergency
room for students during a study done in 1999," said Dr. Robert
Winfield, director of University Health Service.

Without health insurance, a student could end up with numerous fees to
pay, which often add up to a large sum.

"The cost can vary from as little as a couple hundred dollars to
several thousand dollars," Winfield added.

This is in addition to the cost of the ambulance ride, which according
to Huron Valley Ambulance, can cost up to $500 to $600 depending on
medications and treatment needed.

Hower said so far, no students have been transported to the hospital
during Orientation.

"The basic policy, though, is that if a student engages in underage
drinking they will be sent home and will have to leave the program,"
Hower added. 
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MAP posted-by: Larry Seguin