Pubdate: Sun, 13 Jul 2003
Source: Gulf Daily News (Bahrain)
Copyright: 2003 Gulf Daily News.
Authors: Concerned parents
Bookmark: (Drug Education)


Drugs have become the most dangerous and common problem among
youngsters all over the world and public help is needed to stop it!

The menace should not be ignored.

Years ago, many countries started showing short commercial warnings
highlighting the dangers of drugs, warning youngsters not to be fooled
and get hooked.

To our surprise to date we have never seen any sign or short
commercial in the cinemas against drugs in Bahrain. What has shaken us
is that our son, aged 12, told us that some of his schoolmates use
drugs. He goes to a private school and it seems others are getting
hooked too.

It would be wise and could save youngsters if there was a drugs
campaign in Bahrain.

Educational warnings could be shown on cinema screens.

All cinemas in Bahrain have a big demand on them. It is the best way
to attract the attention of all youngsters and they could have short
commercials on drugs before any movie starts. They could have
advertisements on drug abuse and could bring them from other countries
if they are not available here. Advertisements could be in both
languages for all to understand.

Cinemas, television and the Press should not only think of making
money by putting in advertisements. They should give a helping hand
and give space for the educational facts of life.

In each family, there is or might be a drug addict.

An advertising campaign can raise awareness and save the lives of
those who might get fooled.

All hands must cope and help.

This letter should be taken seriously and we hope to see more
programmes, pictures, posters, advertisements on television and
cinemas on drugs and what it leads to.

Many families in Bahrain and teachers will be happy too, as some
teachers have caught some students using drugs.

Concerned parents 
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MAP posted-by: Larry Seguin