Pubdate: Wed, 16 Jul 2003
Source: Express (Nelson, CN BC)
Copyright: 2003 Kootenay Express Communication Corp.
Author: LX Forde


Dear Editor,

I note our valiant men in red are out again in Salmo busting "grow-ops." 
Now, I don't smoke pot, but I know several horrible woebegone creatures who 
do. We hear this underground economy talked about in terms of hundreds of 
millions, if not billions, of dollars. What is wrong with this scenario?

To start with, we live in a supposed free enterprise, market driven 
economy. If there is a demand for a commodity, it will be supplied. My 
question then is what business do the police have interfering with an 
otherwise straightforward commercial process? Answer: None. I doubt they 
nab say ten per cent of these ersatz criminals. And the rest continue on, 
merrily supplying and consuming a product which is way less noxious or 
toxic than such legal killers as tobacco and alcohol.

The recent so-called changes to the marijuana prohibition laws can be 
summarily dismissed as ludicrous. And the blame, the heat, should be 
focused squarely on the politicians who are not doing their jobs. Simply 
put, pot should be regulated exactly like homemade wine or beer: I'm 
allowed to make as much as I wish (and consume or give it away) but I can't 
sell it. Period. Let us end this insane persecution, which is the modern 
equivalent of witch burning. With such real, serious problems as global 
eco-disaster, war, poverty, hunger, and economic injustice, there are much 
more pressing matters at hand. Give these potheads a break!

LX Forde,

Nelson, BC
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MAP posted-by: Keith Brilhart