Pubdate: Thu, 17 Jul 2003 Source: here (CN NB) Copyright: 2003, here publishing inc. Contact: Details: Author: Astrid Lloyd PROSTITUTION IS A DRUG PROBLEM I'm responding "Sex in the City" (here, June 19-26). I have lived on Coburg Street for almost eight years. I have owned a business uptown and have sat on the Board of Directors of Uptown Saint John. I love uptown Saint John. I would be the last to speak ill of this city and defend and praise it every chance I get. I must say the article brings to light a problem that has been ongoing since I have lived on this street. I know this, as I would wait for friends to pick me up and would have many cars pulling over in front of my apartment, to pick me up (no thanks). The cars I see are 4Runners, Mercedes, Pathfinders, expensive .........vehicles. Unbelievable how desperate people must be, both the johns and the girls selling themselves. The problem that the article describes is not the problem we are experiencing on this street. Prostitution is the oldest profession in the world. This is an addiction problem. These people are out there to earn a quick buck for a fix. On many occasions I have called the police when the women are in front of my house, usually arguing and making a disturbance. My walks in this area now consist of avoiding condoms on the street. Look back on our history and remember how prosperous this area was. It still has many beautiful homes and apartments. I, the pro-uptown person, have considered moving out of the city. I'm pretty well fed up with what is happening. We can choose to ignore it, which has already been done. We can choose to act. Let's not make it comfortable or easy for these acts to take place. I do empathize with these women. Why not work on a community project to get them off the streets and help them with their addiction? Finally, let's do something along the lines of what Alberta has done. They have published the license plates of the johns. Supply and demand, basic business principles. Get rid of the demand. What the johns should realize is that a lot of these women are sick; they will be passing on diseases. Many of these women could possibly have AIDS or many other communicable diseases. Let's bring to light the real problem. Drug addicts. We host wonderful things, such as the Jazz & Blues Festival, Festival by the Sea, cruise ships and tourists from all over the world. We now have the Harbour Passage, Imperial Theatre, Harbour Station, City Market, and great restaurants. Again I propose we look from within and fix this problem. YES IT DOES EXIST!! Let's not turn a blind eye to it. Let's not sweep it under the carpet. Come up here and look for yourselves, you will see what we are talking about. Astrid Lloyd, Saint John - --- MAP posted-by: Larry Stevens