Pubdate: Fri, 24 Jan 2003
Source: Province, The (CN BC)
Copyright: 2003 The Province
Author: Greg Middleton


Six members of the Vancouver Police Department were suspended yesterday for 
allegedly beating up street kids dealing drugs.

The suspended officers, who range from relatively new recruits to one 
officer with almost six years service, are accused of picking up teenage 
drug dealers on Granville Mall.

The six are said to have taken the three young men in a police wagon to 
Stanley Park where they were beaten badly enough for one to be taken to 

The police department's internal-affairs investigators have broken open the 
lockers of the six accused officers and seized their uniforms, boots and 

They will be sent for forensic analysis, apparently looking for DNA 
evidence linking alleged victims to the officers.

The six suspended officers are still considered innocent until proven guilty.

While police were not commenting last night, The Province has learned a 
deputy police chief called together the entire shift that the six men 
worked on and announced the suspensions late yesterday afternoon.

"I can't remember anything like this ever happening before," one senior 
Vancouver police officer said last night.

The police officer said this "is not the 1950s," a reference to legendary 
stories of baseball-bat-waving police going after members of the notorious 
Clark Park gang after dark.
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom