Pubdate: Thu, 07 Aug 2003
Source: Herald-Sun, The (Durham, NC)
Copyright: 2003 The Herald-Sun
Author: John E. Freifeld
Note: The writer is a private psychologist in Durham.


I write to add to comments in the editorial section [Herald-Sun, Aug.
3] about Urban Ministries and the hope it offers addicts. I myself am
a recovering addict and I work to help others who are in recovery. We
know it is a lifelong journey. We can't talk about where we end up
because there is no end to our journey. We know that healing sometimes
hurts but that the pain passes. The people I've worked with have had
similar problems with self-injury and many are survivors of childhood
rape or other forms of abuse. I teach people to get past that pain.
The Urban Ministries is to be commended in all they provide for the
homeless and needy. Many clients of mine have been housed there and I
personally have brought more than one person to the shelter following
discharge from our state's psychiatric hospitals. I have recognized
that sometimes a person needs someone available at any time. This is
why I established the 12-step forums online at
There is always someone there to talk to who can relate to your
issues. Don't give up.

John E. Freifeld

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