Pubdate: Fri, 08 Aug 2003
Source: Tennessean, The (TN)
Copyright: 2003 The Tennessean
Author: Bill Poovey Associated Press
Bookmark: (Methamphetamine)


CHATTANOOGA - Methamphetamine is shattering dozens of Tennessee families 
each month, a new count of children placed in state custody shows, and case 
workers are seeing an increase in addicted babies.

The count requested by The Associated Press - 600 children taken from 
parents involved with the addictive stimulant and placed in state custody 
since the start of 2002 - does not include meth-displaced children who are 
placed with relatives.

The Tennessee Department of Children's Services, in an incomplete count, 
reported placing 112 rural children in foster care due to meth 
investigations since March 1. A count provided to the AP in late February 
showed 488 children taken into state custody since Jan. 1, 2002, also 
mostly in rural communities.

The new count included 53 children in the department's Southeast region, 46 
in the Upper Cumberland and 13 in the Northeast region. DCS spokeswoman 
Carla Aaron said totals of meth-related custody removals in other DCS 
regions were not immediately available.

Aaron said that when children are removed from parents in meth cases, DCS 
is taking all possible steps to place them with other relatives.

Diane Easterly, team leader for the department's Southeast region, said she 
just returned from a foster parent conference and reports of "finding more 
and more babies addicted."

Easterly said such newborns should be monitored and counseled as they grow 
up to help them avoid addiction.
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