Pubdate: Fri, 22 Aug 2003
Source: Daily Record (UK)
Copyright: 2003 Daily Record and Sunday Mail Ltd.
Author: Richard Elias
Bookmark: (Heroin)


Scots Are Mr Bigs

SCOTLAND has been branded one of the top spots for heroin trafficking
in the UK.

And experts have singled out Glasgow as a "significant regional hub"
for Class A drug distribution.

Britain's leading crime-fighting agency say many Scottish gangs have
set up links with suppliers in the Netherlands to flood our streets
with smack.

A report by the National Criminal Intelligence Service says the key
players in UK drug distribution are based in Scotland, Merseyside and

It says: "These groups are not only procuring heroin within the UK on
a large scale for distribution, but are also increasingly involved in
importing heroin consignments, primarily from the near Continent."

It also emerged yesterday that super-strength temazepam capsules,
which send users into violent rages, are being sold in Ayrshire.

The "super jellies" are twice as strong as normal temazepam

Police believe they could be behind a recent wave of violence among
drug users in Irvine and Kilmarnock.

A spokesman for Mothers Against Drugs said: "There has been so much
violence in the area when they have been taking this stuff."

In Aberdeen, meanwhile, there is a new drugs menace on the

Wafarin - used as a rat poison and as a prescription drug for people
with heart problems - is being sold for 50p a tablet. Drug workers
warn that the tablets, known as Thai Blues, can be lethal.
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MAP posted-by: Larry Seguin