Pubdate: Sat, 23 Aug 2003
Source: Winnipeg Free Press (CN MB)
Copyright: 2003 Winnipeg Free Press
Author: Gordon Sinclair Jr.


$40,000 US Later, City Couple Overjoyed Son Out Of Hell-Hole And Headed Home

HOPE is what's kept Susan Stone going for the last six months.

Hope that somehow she could raise enough money to basically buy her 
23-year-old son's freedom from a potential 25-year "death" sentence in a 
hell-hole of a South American prison.

It took more than $40,000 US -- much of that raised through garage sales, 
socials and an outpouring of support from Free Press readers. But 
yesterday, Joe Stone Lamontagne -- alleged drug mule -- was released from 
prison in the Ecuadorian Pacific Coast city of Guayaquil.

Now he's just a one-way flight away from home.

It was 4:30 p.m. yesterday when Susan Stone heard officially that her son, 
who apparently had been acquitted of smuggling, was actually out of prison. 
Susan and husband Rick Lamontagne had followed the last day's 
"play-by-play" of his release by phone.

The last she had heard around noon, Interpol was doing a check to make sure 
Joe wasn't wanted for anything else. Four hours later, family friend Myles 
Rothman was on the phone promising Susan that "the call" was coming. Then 
she heard a call-waiting beep. John Megson, a former Winnipegger and the 
family's go-between in Ecuador, was calling from the Canadian Consulate in 

"Susan," he began, "I have someone who wants to say something to you."

Susan was choking back tears when she heard Joe's voice for the first time 
since she said goodbye to him five months ago in the Guayaquil prison.

"Mummy?" Joe said.

"Joseph," she replied. "How are you?''

"I'm hungry," he said. Susan was in tears as she told her oldest child that 
his aunt would make him his favourite meatballs and be at the airport 
whenever he could arrange a flight home.

Joe laughed. But his mother was serious.

He told her he already knows what he wants to do first when he gets home, 
but evidently after half a year in prison, he's become accustomed to asking 

"Can I just go home and go to sleep in a bed?"

And the next day he wants to be at the beach.

The young St. James-raised man had been in prison since Feb. 26, when he 
was arrested at the Guayaquil airport trying to board a plane back to North 
America with a half a kilo of cocaine concealed in a briefcase.

The whole twisting, turning, gut-wrencher of a story is the stuff that 
movies are made of. Movies such as the 1978 classic Midnight Express, the 
true story of a young American caught smuggling drugs and thrown into a 
barbaric Turkish prison.

Joe's story started last winter with a friend arranging a job. The way he 
told it to his mother, it was supposed to be in an oilpatch somewhere in 
Texas or Oklahoma.

But somehow he ended up on a flight to New Jersey.

And from there to Ecuador.

Later, Joe would tell his mother that he landed in Ecuador because when he 
got to the oilpatch, there was no job. So his "boss" asked if he would like 
to go to Ecuador for a few days until the job opened up.

As the story went, when Joe got there, his boss called and asked if he 
would bring his briefcase back.

According to what Joe told Susan, he was reluctant to do that, so his 
"boss" told him to search the briefcase thoroughly.

Apparently Joe didn't find anything. But a drug-sniffing dog at the 
Guayaquil airport did -- the stash of cocaine concealed in the briefcase 

When Joe finally got to a hearing nearly six months and $37,000 US later, a 
judge decided that half a kilo of cocaine was a small amount. According to 
what the family was told, it isn't illegal in Ecuador for people to have 
small amounts of drugs for personal use.

So the young Canadian accused could be freed from prison. That was two 
weeks ago.

But last week, after Rothman booked and paid for flights home, Joe wasn't 

Then this week -- after already paying thousands of dollars into a black 
hole of presumed bribery -- there was a "complication," as Rothman put it.

Justice authorities wanted yet another payment.

Rothman was told that something called the council of judges was reviewing 
the case.

The payment would go there. Rothman was despondent.

"We told them there was no more money," he said Tuesday.

At that point, he hadn't told Susan about the latest demand for payment.

How could he?

The family has never been told where all the money they've raised was going 
and they always wondered whether it would really free Joe.

Or whether the thousands of dollars in payments, which felt more and more 
like ransom demands, would ever end.

"Are we doing the right thing?" Rothman wondered as late as Tuesday. But on 
Wednesday, Megson, the family's go-between in Ecuador, dug into his own 
pocket and used the money that was supposed to cover Joe's legal bill and 
paid the $4,000 US.

Yesterday, Susan and Rick replaced that $4,000 with money they borrowed 
again in the hope that this time the Ecuadorian "justice" system was 
finally finished with its Canadian cash cow.

Not quite.

Yesterday, there was one last demand for cash, a few hundred dollars to 
destroy the cocaine.

Now, in the end, the Stone Lamontagne family is left with a $25,000 Cdn 
debt from the desperate attempt to free Joe.

But he's out.

Yesterday, Susan thanked all the people who helped raise the money to free 
her son.

She credits them. And something else.

"You can't give up hope," she said.

She never did, and look what happened.
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MAP posted-by: Keith Brilhart