Pubdate: Thu, 28 Aug 2003 Source: Georgia Straight, The (CN BC) Copyright: 2003 The Georgia Straight Contact: Details: Author: Lee Hamilton Referenced: Bookmark: (Club Drugs) Note: Titled by Map Editor PROFITEERING OFF HARMFUL BEHAVIOURS Thank you for the realistic appraisal of the drug-party scene and its risks ["Drugs 101", August 21-28]. It was a refreshing antidote to some of the idealized notions promoted in the alternative and gay press. The latter in particular is notoriously reluctant to examine the party scene critically. My own eyes were opened to the nastier side of the scene some time ago at the venue described (The World), after a small three-way transaction on the dance-floor became garbled, resulting in weeks of harassment and a rash of threats from people we'd never met before. This came as a surprise to some but not all of the veteran party sceners I spoke to afterwards. We'd never encountered such vindictive malice in our own neighbourhood before. Far from converting me to the cause of legalizing this unregulated industry, my experience has led me to question why civic authorities have cooperated with profiteers in the establishment of legal platforms for these activities. Any other industry must abide by recognized standards, regulations, and codes of conduct. By granting business licences and turning a blind eye to the scene's abuses, civic authorities are not only profiteering off harmful behaviours but are also sending very ambiguous messages about what is and is not acceptable in civil society. Lee Hamilton Vancouver - --- MAP posted-by: Larry Seguin