Pubdate: Mon, 20 Jan 2003
Source: Report Magazine (CN AB)
Copyright: 2003 Report Magazine, United Western Comm Ltd
Note: This is the BC Edition
Author: Marnie Ko


A Teacher's Graphic Lesson On Cocaine Use Angers Parents

When 11 -year-old Caitlin Harley came home from school in mid-November, she 
had surprising news. "We asked. 'What did you learn in school today?'" said 
her mother, Linda. "[Caitlin] said she learned how to snort cocaine."

Caitlin, in Grade 6 at Hamilton's Chedoke Middle School, reports her 
teacher drew a circle on the blackboard to represent a mirror, with dots 
for cocaine. She explained how the powder was pushed into a line on the 
mirror, then snorted through a tube.

The graphic lesson, part of a "Substance Use and Abuse" class, made 
headlines in the National Post after Mrs. Harley told reporters about the 

Provincial officials were swift to respond. Dave Ross of the Ontario 
Ministry of Education admitted the lesson was "not acceptable." especially 
in an elementary school.

But Chedoke's vice-principal, Mary-lane Black, insisted such instruction 
was essential to help children recognize and avoid certain drugs. She noted 
only two parents out of "160-odd Grade 6 students who receive that 
particular program" expressed concerns. However, Mrs. Harley. who has since 
moved to Grimsby and enrolled her daughter in a new school, maintains 
teaching elementary pupils "step-by-step how-to guides" for drugs is not 

Judith Cobb, a Calgary mother of seven, agrees. She says she would not 
tolerate such instruction of her children, at any grade level.

"That is absolutely nuts. It ranks right up there with teaching kids 
homosexuality is normal. I hope that teacher got fired."
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