Pubdate: Thu, 04 Sep 2003 Source: Pitch Weekly (MO) Copyright: 2003 New Times, Inc. Contact: Author: Elyse Max DRUG PROBLEM All the rave: Thank you so much for "Rave Review" (August 21). Andrew John Ignatius Vontz made clear the effects of the RAVE Act on personal freedoms. Since the 1980s, the war on drugs has been an excuse for unjust laws that discriminate based on race, class and age. The DEA's opening attack on a NORML concert illustrates the breech of civil liberties this law entails. It is ironic that the feds could have cared less about pot smoke wafting through the air at a corporately sanctioned weenie roast. I would love to see more stories about covert operations like this in the Pitch. Elyse Max Kansas City, Missouri - --- MAP posted-by: Josh