Pubdate: Sun, 07 Sep 2003
Source: BBC News (UK Web)
Copyright: 2003 BBC
Bookmark: (Cannabis - United Kingdom)


A 43-year-old man has been arrested and charged with drug possession following
a raid which prevented the opening of a shop at Rhyl by a cannabis campaigner.

Businessman Jeffrey Ditchfield says he wants to help people who want cannabis
for pain relief by dispensing medication from the shop - called It Beggars
Belief - and stresses his merchandise is legal.

Police say the arrested man, who faces charges of possessing a Class B drug
with intent to supply, will appear in court on Thursday.

He has been released on bail while further inquiries take place.

Three other men, from outside north Wales, have been reported for alleged
possession of cannabis.

North Wales Police had pledged to "closely monitor" the It Beggar's Belief
store set up by Rhyl businessman Jeffrey Ditchfield.


Officers raided it within minutes of its opening at 1200 BST on Saturday.

Mr Ditchfield said he would offer cannabis seeds, growing equipment and legal
intoxicating herbs.

The store had earlier attracted criticism from Chris Ruane, MP for the Vale of
Clwyd, said he was angry about Mr Ditchfield's opening the premises

He said claims by its owner that the shop would highlight the benefits of
cannabis for medicinal purposes were not true.

Mr Ditchfield told BBC News Online that he wants to be able to help sick

North Wales Police Chief Constable Richard Brunstrom has previously backed
calls for further investigations into the possibility of legalising drugs.

But Mr Brunstrom has said he has to follow the law and if Mr Ditchfield sold or
possessed illegal drugs on his premises he would be closed down.

Earlier this year charges against Mr Ditchfield of possessing cannabis and
possession with intent to supply were dismissed at Manchester Crown Court.

He had admitted giving cannabis chocolate to someone with multiple sclerosis.
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MAP posted-by: Doc-Hawk