Pubdate: Wed, 10 Sep 2003 Source: Topsail Voice (Hampstead, NC) Copyright: 2003 Hamsptead Publishing, LLC. Contact: Details: Author: Jeanette Masters NOTE: Headline by MAP Bookmark: ERADICATION OF DRUGS Dear Editor, I want to applaud the efforts of the Sneads Ferry Citizens in Action (SFCIA) group. The eradication of drugs and drug related activity from our community and particularly our schools is not only a noble goal, it is one that is critical to the area's quality of life and business climate, and one that this group is completely dedicated to. The establishment of a toll-free telephone number and flyers has already been met with success, which says that there are a lot of eyes and ears in the community that also care about this issue. And, the fact that they are stepping up to the plate to help says that they are equally dedicated and lends credence to the SFCIA group's message that "time is up for drug dealers in the area." I am a proud member of the Sneads Ferry Rotary Club. Recently the Sneads Ferry Rotary Club joined a program called Rotarians Against Drugs (RAD), which has a global reach. Combined, RAD and SFCIA are a powerful combination that will empower the community to be the catalyst for changing what is now considered by many to be a conducive climate for drug related activity into a what will become known by all to be a zero drug tolerance climate. And that is good for our citizens, our schools, and business. Now, eradication of drugs and zero tolerance may like a lofty goal to some or too strong to others. And, there are times that I would agree. But this isn't one of those times. Margaret Meade once said "Never doubt that a small group of dedicated people can change the world. Indeed it is the only things that ever has." SFCIA is comprised of some of the most dedicated and determined people I've come across who know what it takes to get the job done and the stamina and willingness to see it through. Jeanette Masters Surf City - --- MAP posted-by: Richard Lake