Pubdate: Tue, 09 Sep 2003
Source: Tribune, The (CN ON)
Copyright: 2003, Osprey Media Group Inc.
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Local News -


PORT COLBORNE -- Three Port Colborne High School students were taken to 
hospital Monday after smoking what they believed was marijuana.

Just before noon, one teen was taken to Port Colborne General Hospital 
after passing out at the Elgin Street school.

Soon after, two other students fell ill with elevated heart rates and high 
fevers, and too were taken by ambulance to hospital for treatment.

All three were expected to recover, said Constable George Bench, of the 
Niagara Regional Police public affairs unit.

Bench said preliminary police investigation indicates the students had 
earlier in the day smoked what they thought was marijuana.

What in fact they did inhale and where it was obtained from is still being 
investigated, he said early Monday evening.

Police are reminding everyone that the consumption of any type of drug 
"comes with grave personal risk" and therefore should be avoided.

"Those who may entertain the idea of consumption are asked not only to 
consider the potential negative impact on their health," said Bench, "but 
also to consider that what they think they are ingesting and what they are 
actually ingesting may be two different things."

Anyone with information about this case is asked to call police at 
905-688-3911 ext. 3200 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477.
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