Pubdate: Fri, 19 Sep 2003 Source: DrugSense Weekly Section: Hot Off The 'Net Website: Note: By reader request, we start posting this weekly section today, which features a number of items of general interest which may not have been MAP posted otherwise. HOT OFF THE 'NET CHERYL MILLER MEMORIAL AND PHONE SLAM On Monday and Tuesday, September 22 and 23, 2003, Cheryl Miller's family and friends will join with medical marijuana supporters in Washington, D.C. to memorialize her life and contributions to the medical marijuana movement. If you can't be there, take some time Sept. 23 to call your representative about federal medical marijuana legislation. - ------------------ CANNABIS DEBATE IN THE UK: DECRIM VS. LEGALISATION A DrugSense Focus Alert. - ------------------ CULTURAL BAGGAGE RADIO SHOW Dr. Geoffrey Guy, Exec. Chairman of G.W. Pharmaceuticals, Audio: Next: Tuesday, September 23, 2003, 6:30 PM CDT Marc Emery, Publisher of Cannabis Culture Magazine, Listen live at - ------------------ JACK COLE OF LAW ENFORCEMENT AGAINST PROHIBITION (LEAP) Power Point presentation to the Rockport, MA, Rotary. Video: - ------------------ CANNABIS LEGAL IN BRITISH COLUMBIA? A B.C. provincial court judge has ruled that "there is no offence known to law at this time for simple possession of marihuana" in Canada. Read the ruling online at: See also a compilation of conflicting media coverage at: - ------------------ LUCAS AND ELROD ON THE AIR A seven minute audio file of Philippe Lucas of Canadians for Safe Access on CBC' Radio One's 'As It Happens' talking about Health Canada's medical cannabis is at Phil's press release,, resulted in dozens of stories, from newspapers all over and as far away as England, South Africa and Australia, as well as one cartoon at Marijuana Still Illegal Despite Ruling, Or Is It? Listen, in low bandwidth realaudio, to criminal lawyer Michael Mines and MAP's Matt Elrod discussing this issue on CBC's BC Almanac for about ten minutes at: - ------------------ STATES BACK OFF TOUGH DRUG LAWS 46 states passed laws to ease tough laws on drug violations according to a detailed study released this week by the Drug Policy Alliance. The webpage for the report is at Or download it directly as a PDF file from - ------------------ FORUM ANNOUNCED: THE TRUTH ABOUT MEDICAL MARIJUANA A Policy Forum sponsored by The Independent Institute, co-sponsored by Harper's Magazine, Drug Policy Alliance, and The Goldman School of Public Policy at UC Berkley. Featuring Ed Rosenthal, Donald I. Abrams, M.D., Edwin Dobb, and Robert J. MacCoun. Thursday, October 2 at the Hotel Nikko in San Francisco. Details at - ------------------ CONFERENCE: AND JUSTICE FOR ALL? Students for Sensible Drug Policy and Drug Policy Forum of Michigan present 2003 Drug Policy Conference "And Justice for All? Communities of Color & The War on Drugs" October 3rd & 4th, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan. The Conference is FREE! Please register so we may accommodate you for lunch. Registration information and details at - --- MAP posted-by: Richard Lake