Pubdate: Fri, 19 Sep 2003
Source: Evening Star, The (UK)
Copyright: 2003, Eastern Counties Newspapers Group Ltd


PASSERS by could have seen cannabis plants growing in an Ipswich man's
bedroom through a window, a court has heard.

Simon Dade grew 10 plants in his bedroom, 23 plants in his loft and 23
cuttings in his bathroom. Police also discovered about UKP30 in money
of harvested herbal cannabis in a box in Dade's Geneva Road bedroom.

Ipswich Crown Court heard that the 47-year-old had been growing
cannabis for his personal use for about four years. He became ill and
used the drug for pain relief.

Judge John Holt heard that Dade mainly smoked the flowering tops of
the plants which were most effective. Dade admitted producing cannabis
and possessing the drug.

Judge Holt said: "One could see some of the cannabis being grown in
his bedroom from the street."

He ordered the forfeiture and destruction of the drugs and the
paraphernalia used for growing the plants.

Judge Holt said: "This is a serious offence and risks sentence of

However, he read a letter from Dade's doctor and a pre-sentence report
and decided to sentence Dade to 150 hours' community punishment.

Dade was warned: "If you breach this order it is most likely that you
will go to prison." 
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MAP posted-by: Richard Lake