Pubdate: Thu, 04 Sep 2003
Source: San Francisco Chronicle (CA)
Copyright: 2003 Hearst Communications Inc.
Author: Henry K. Lee, Chronicle Staff Writer
Bookmark: (Cannabis - Medicinal)


A hearing began Wednesday over whether a Berkeley physician who has 
approved the use of medicinal marijuana for 7,500 patients should have his 
license revoked on the grounds that he failed to properly examine them.

The controversy pits Dr. Tod Mikuriya, 69, a well-known medical marijuana 
advocate and psychiatrist who says he is protected under state law, against 
the Medical Board of California, which insists that marijuana has nothing 
to do with the case.

"The accusation in no way seeks to punish or otherwise sanction Dr. 
Mikuriya for having recommended marijuana," according to a brief filed in 
July by the state attorney general. "The fact that marijuana happened to be 
the drug in question is quite irrelevant to the charges."

But Mikuriya's supporters say the state's case, filed in 2000, is 
politically motivated and payback for his vocal support of medicinal 
marijuana under Proposition 215. Approved by state voters in 1996, it 
legalized growing and using marijuana for medical purposes, with a doctor's 

"This is sore loser's syndrome," said Bill Simpich, an Oakland attorney 
representing Mikuriya, who received his medical license in 1963 after 
graduating from the Temple University School of Medicine.

The state alleges that Mikuriya engaged in unprofessional conduct and was 
negligent in his handling of 16 cases since 1998. Mikuriya is one of about 
a dozen California doctors who since Prop. 215 have been investigated by 
the medical board in connection with medicinal marijuana recommendations to 

Lawyers argued Mikuriya's case Wednesday before Administrative Law Judge 
Jonathan Lew in Oakland.

A physician called by the state, Dr. Laura Duskin, testified that her 
review of 17 files of Mikuriya's patients revealed some serious 
deficiencies, including a lack of documentation of examinations, lab tests, 
follow-up and treatment plans.

"It was very inadequate," Duskin said of Mikuriya's recommendation of 
marijuana for a patient, identified only as R.A., who complained of stomach 

"The medical marijuana may have helped the patient's symptoms, but it can 
actually be very dangerous to recommend a palliative treatment -- to ease 
the pain -- without treating the underlying problem," Duskin said under 
questioning by Deputy Attorney General Jane Zack Simon.

At one point during Duskin's testimony, Susan Lea, a Stinson Beach attorney 
representing Mikuriya, accused the state of smearing her client.

The hearing will last for several more days, during which Lew will hear 
case-by-case testimony on Mikuriya's conduct before making a recommendation 
to the medical board. A final decision as to whether Mikuriya should lose 
his license rests with the board.

On July 31, Lew denied Mikuriya's motion to dismiss the state's case, 
saying Mikuriya failed to prove that the state medical board violated his 
First Amendment rights to recommend medicinal marijuana.

In his ruling, the judge distinguished between a doctor's recommendation to 
use marijuana and the process by which the recommendation was reached.

The immunity given to doctors under Proposition 215 "appears to be 
conditional" in that "it is presumed that physicians who recommend 
marijuana under the act will follow accepted medical practice standards and 
make good-faith recommendations based on honest medical judgments," the 
judge wrote.

On Aug. 20, Mikuriya rejected the medical board's offer to settle the case. 
Under the agreement, Mikuriya would have been placed on probation for four 
years and would have had to take an ethics course, take a clinical training 
program and reimburse the board $10,000 for investigation costs. 
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