Pubdate: Mon, 29 Sep 2003
Source: Daily Herald-Tribune, The (CN AB)
Copyright: 2003 The Daily Herald-Tribune
Author: Manuela Campbell
Bookmark: (Methamphetamine)


Re: Gangs cost everyone,

Crystal meth has come to Grande Prairie. I believe it could easily lead to 
gang like behaviour.

Anyone willing to mix the explosive poison together and heat it until it 
forms crystals in his or her home could become a dealer. But the people who 
are addicted to it become very desperate and resort to stealing to pay for 
their habit.

When they are very addicted they become paranoid, staying awake for days at 
a time. Brain damage occurs.

These "tweakers" are dangerous to be around and can become violent. Broken 
light bulbs in a home are used to inhale this mixture. People lose large 
amounts of weight.

A person I met recently described the loss of his son last month after his 
son had been a user for only about six months. His body was found floating 
in the North Saskatchewan River.

Often he purchased his drugs and sold his stolen items in smaller towns.

I believe the general population needs to be educated about this drug and 
learn to be on the lookout for it in their communities. This man's heart is 
broken. He wishes he would have known more about crystal meth. He believes 
all school children need to be educated about it so that they don't even 
try it. It is a very difficult drug to get off of and the brain damaging 
effect lasts for months and years.

Manuela Campbell
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MAP posted-by: Terry Liittschwager