Pubdate: Mon, 29 Sep 2003
Source: Toronto Sun (CN ON)
Copyright: 2003, Canoe Limited Partnership.
Author: Tom Godfrey


U.S. Fugitive Appeals Order To Boot Him

A U.S. fugitive wants to stay in Canada on the grounds that he's a refugee 
from the war on drugs being waged south of the border. The alleged drug 
importer is appealing a failed refugee bid by claiming his life will be in 
danger from violent prison conditions he faces if he is returned to the U.S.

The man, who lives in Toronto, fled to Canada from the U.S. after being 
busted last year for conspiracy to import drugs, according to the 
Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB).

His identity wasn't released by the IRB because he's seeking refugee status 
and may be in jeopardy if deported.

The board, in a decision obtained last week, said the fugitive sought 
refugee status here due to his political opinion -- which is his opposition 
to the war on drugs.

Fear Of Persecution

The man claimed a well-founded fear of persecution in that he belonged to a 
particular social group, which he described as persons subject to mandatory 
minimum sentencing if convicted in the U.S.

To top it off, the asylum seeker argued he will face a longer prison 
sentence in the U.S. because he fled to Canada.

The board said U.S. jails may be violent and overcrowded, but there's no 
evidence the claimant faces death, torture or cruel punishment as he alleges.

"A sentence of seven to 14 years ... did not exceed international 
standards," the board said. "The claimant faced prosecution under a law of 
general application."

The man is now trying to remain in Canada on humanitarian and compassionate 
grounds, the board said.

Immigration officials estimate it will cost taxpayers more than $100,000 to 
hear the case and subsequent appeal.

In the meantime, the man is free and eligible for OHIP, welfare and housing.
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