Pubdate: Thu, 25 Sep 2003
Source: Spectator, The (GA Edu)
Copyright: 2003 The Spectator.
Author: Patti Spradley


SGA passed a resolution Monday night that requires the Office of Judicial 
Affairs to notify parents of students who have violated established 
alcohol/drug policies twice. This only applies to students under the age of 21.

Richard Lee, assistant to the dean of students for judicial affairs, 
introduced to the senate the Actual Parental Notification Policy Resolution 
composed by the Substance Abuse Task Force.

Lee explained that repeat offenses to the alcohol and drug policies may be 
indicative of a bigger problem and in actuality only affects about two 
students per school year.

SGA Vice President Ryan Gandy added that adopting this policy will only 
further action started by the senate last year. The senate voted to pass 
the resolution.

Gandy then offered the podium to Jason Lewis, SGA president. Lewis informed 
the senate that Dance Marathon had been cancelled due to lack of interest.

Other business mentioned by Lewis was poor reporting on the part of the 
Spectator. Holding up the front page of the Sept. 15 issue of the 
Spectator, Lewis claimed that the front-page article contained "lies and 
crap," though he did not specifically state what the errors were. Rather, 
he made reference to the editorial printed inside the Spectator that 
criticized the SGA for not being organized.

In other matters, Gandy recommended a graduate student senate seat be added 
to allow representation of graduate students and the appointment of a 
President Pro Temp to fill in for Lewis in his absence. It has been 
established that Lewis' work schedule conflicts with Tuesday night 
meetings, hence the change from Tuesday to Monday night senate meetings 
this school year.

Gandy recognized Green Waggner with the student Karate Club. The Karate 
Club has expressed interested in becoming a recognized student organization 
and has asked SGA to draft a proposal to further their cause.

Zach Nuse, member of the Rules and Regulations Committee, reviewed the bill 
proposal to reform the use of social security numbers on VSU IDs. The bill 
was reviewed as written and suggestions were made as to revisions. A motion 
was made and seconded to table the matter until the next meeting to allow 
for revisions.

Minutes were approved from the last meeting after senators had the 
opportunity to review them.

There was a question from a new senator about when "new senator 
orientation" would be held, but no decision was made.

The Rules Committee decided to write a bill mandating a new attendance 
policy. It seemed generally agreed that senators be allowed no more than 
two consecutive absences or three total absences per semester.
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MAP posted-by: Larry Stevens