Pubdate: Thu, 30 Jan 2003
Source: Standard Democrat, The (MO)
Copyright: 2003 DA Publishing, LLC
Author: David Jenkins


SIKESTON - If you do the crime, you will have to do the time. This is a
reality many criminals have realized over the past two years as crime has
dropped considerably in Sikeston since 2000 and the crackdown is continuing.

In 2000, the City of Sikeston saw 1,214 Part One crimes which include
homicide, forcible rape, robbery, assault, burglary, larceny, motor vehicle
theft and arson. That number dropped 25 percent in 2001 to 886 and went down
11 percent more in 2002 to 786.

"We are taking a proactive approach rather than a reactive approach," said
Sikeston Department of Public Safety Director Drew Juden when asked about
the dramatic decrease.

Captain Joe Sebourn of the Sikeston DPS added there are several reasons for
the decrease in criminal activity, but one of the main reasons is the
crackdown on drugs.

"Drug activity goes hand-in-hand with other crimes like burglary and
larceny," Sebourn said. "When you have people on drugs, they will commit
other crimes to support their habits."

Sebourn points to the fewer number of larcenies in Sikeston. In 2002,
Sikeston residents reported 583 larcenies down from 721 in 2000. However,
the number in 2002 is slightly higher than the 532 larcenies Sikeston saw in

In every other category considered a Part One crime, Sikeston has had a
decrease from year to year.

One of the major forces behind the attack on drugs is the DPS drug unit. The
unit, which consists of two detectives assigned full time to drug
investigations, targets large scale dealers and through a variety of
investigative techniques learns about their operation.

"Our two guys in narcotics do a good job and are constantly busy," Sebourn
said. "We've had a lot of people selling drugs that have been arrested or
are in jail."

Already this year the narcotics unit has made several arrests.

According to Sebourn another reason for the drop in crime is the Power

"The Power Squad is three officers who are not assigned to a district but
are supplemented to the shifts," Sebourn said. "The three officers are very
active, very motivated and know a lot of people. They will work different
shifts and different times of day and just do what they do best."

Being at full staff has helped DPS have the manpower to institute these
programs. "Being at full staff and not being short handed has really
helped," Sebourn said. "It is just a lot of little things. Everyone is
pitching in."
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MAP posted-by: Josh