Pubdate: Wed, 29 Jan 2003
Source: Daily News (KY)
Copyright: 2003 News Publishing LLC
Author: Steve Gaines
Bookmark: (D.A.R.E.)


A Bowling Green man who knows firsthand what drugs can do to a person and 
their family spoke Tuesday night to elementary school children graduating 
from the Drug Abuse Resistance Education program.

Steve Woods' son, Steven, 23, is on death row in Texas for murder. His 
father says Steven is in that position because of a need for drugs and 
alcohol. Woods told this story to nearly 200 people at the National 
Corvette Museum auditorium.

"Steven was a graduate of D.A.R.E., had a normal childhood, just like you 
all, but later in life, he got involved in drugs and alcohol. He traveled 
around the country searching for drugs. He ended up in Dallas, Texas, and 
was involved in murder because he was so wrapped up in drugs," Woods said.

Woods said drugs killed the son he knew. Steven is awaiting execution by 
lethal injection.

"I just pray that you parents stay involved in your children's lives and 
take what you have learned tonight and keep it in your lives forever," 
Woods said.

The graduation program involved Bristow, North Warren and Oakland 
elementary schools.

Warren County Sheriff's Capt. Joe Jakub, project director for prevention 
partnership, said the event is a celebration because these kids have made a 
commitment to stay drug free.

"Tonight is a celebration of what these kids have learned the past 16 
weeks," Jakub said.

Jakub has been involved with D.A.R.E. since its inception nine years ago.

Oakland sixth-grader Jared Wolfe said he wants to be drug free.

"I wanted to show school spirit. It feels weird, but special, to be 
graduating tonight," Wolfe said.

Keith Tooley, 12, of Oakland said through D.A.R.E. he learned about harmful 
side effects of drugs and why not to use them.

Parent Jim Wallace's daughter, Amy, 11, of Bristow was graduating from D.A.R.E.

"I'm proud of her and proud that the community does this because of what 
children have to deal with in society such as drug use. It's good for the 
community and I'm excited to be at the Corvette Museum as well," Wallace said.
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