Pubdate: Thu, 09 Oct 2003
Source: Hattiesburg American (MS)
Copyright: 2003 Hattiesburg American



For years now - at least the past seven - the Hattiesburg American 
Editorial Board has strongly advocated the creation of a drug court in the 
12th Circuit Court District (Forrest and Perry counties).

On Wednesday, that goal became a reality.

With the help of private funding from the Hattiesburg-based Asbury 
Foundation, Forrest-Perry Circuit Court Judge Bob Helfrich established a 
drug court in the 12th Circuit.

As a result, Forrest and Perry counties join a small list of judicial 
districts in Mississippi that operate drug courts.

This is significant - and holds great promise for our community.

Consider these four benefits of drug courts.

First, drug courts offer a proven system that enables drug users to reclaim 
their lives.

According to Judge Keith Starrett, who operates a drug court in the 14th 
Circuit Court District, the recidivism rate for those who participate in 
drug court is 12 percent, compared to 75 percent for drug users who are 
sent to prison.

Drug courts work - by restoring the lives of drug users.

Second, drug courts save money.

While it costs taxpayers an average $20,000 a year to house a convicted 
drug user in state prison, it is much cheaper to monitor and treat a 
participant in drug court.

Third, drug courts free up prison space for other offenders.

Fourth, by rehabilitating drug users, drug courts can also reduce other 
crimes. Since drugs are the underlying cause of most crimes, fewer drug 
users committing property crimes translates into safer communities.

Drug courts are a proven, cost-effective way to combat drug abuse and 
drug-related crime.

Residents in Forrest and Perry counties should applaud Helfrich for 
recognizing this truth and for implementing a much-needed program - one 
that is long overdue.

Add drug courts to the growing list of reforms Helfrich has inaugurated 
since taking office in December 2002.
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MAP posted-by: Larry Stevens