Pubdate: Sat, 11 Oct 2003
Source: San Jose Mercury News (CA)
Copyright: 2003 San Jose Mercury News
Author: Howard Kurtz, Washington Post
Bookmark: (Oxycontin/Oxycodone)


Rush Limbaugh acknowledged Friday that he is addicted to painkillers and
said he is taking a 30-day leave of absence to check in to a rehabilitation

Breaking a weeklong silence since the National Enquirer reported he had been
caught up in a drug investigation by Florida authorities, the nation's most
popular radio host told listeners: "I want you to know I'm no role model. I
refuse to let anyone think I'm doing something heroic here, something great
here. I'm not a victim. I'm not going to portray myself as a victim. . . . I
take full responsibility for this problem.''

Limbaugh, 52, said he had twice gone into rehab over the past six years in
an effort to break his addiction and would do so again immediately. He said
he could not discuss the investigation, which is based in part on the
account of a former housekeeper at his $30 million Palm Beach County estate.

20 Million Listeners

Michael Harrison, editor of Talkers magazine, said Limbaugh's 20 million
listeners would stand by him. "If people think he'll lose his following
because he suddenly appears to be a hypocrite, forget it. Part of what makes
him successful is he's a lightning rod. . . . I don't buy that he's some
type of moral leader in this country. He's a man who's extremely colorful
and darn good on the radio.''

Limbaugh, perhaps the most prominent conservative commentator on the air,
said on his program that he began taking painkillers five or six years ago
after unsuccessful spine surgery, which caused lingering pain in his back
and neck. He said some of the news stories about him "contain inaccuracies
and distortions'' but that he could not elaborate for now. He closed by
asking the audience "for your prayers.''

The sudden leave, during which Limbaugh will be replaced by guest hosts,
caps a difficult period for the man whom industry observers credit with
saving AM radio 15 years ago and clearing the way for a conservative
takeover of the medium. He had a cochlear implant in late 2001 that enabled
him to regain his hearing after going totally deaf, and last week, he
resigned as an ESPN football commentator after making racially charged
remarks about a black quarterback.

A bombastic host who loves to rip and ridicule his political opponents,
Limbaugh has said things about drugs over the years that are already coming
back to haunt him. As People magazine noted, Limbaugh said in a 1995
interview that "too many whites are getting away with drug use. The answer
is to . . . find the ones who are getting away with it, convict them and
send them up the river.''

Political Influence

Limbaugh's political clout is such that the first President Bush invited him
to spend the night in the Lincoln Bedroom, President Clinton publicly
complained about his influence, and Newt Gingrich made him an honorary
member of the House Republican class after the GOP takeover of 1994. Vice
President Dick Cheney appeared on his show last year.
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