Pubdate: Sat, 11 Oct 2003
Source: Dominion Post, The (New Zealand)
Address: Box 1297, Wellington, New Zealand
Copyright: 2003 The Dominion Post


A study into the effects of cannabis is being hampered by a lack of smokers.

The Medical Research Institute in Wellington is looking at how the drug 
affects the lung function of non-tobacco smokers and if it plays a role in 
chronic bronchitis, asthma and emphysema.

But researchers are finding it hard to recruit enough non-tobacco smokers 
to get conclusive results.

Principal investigator Sarah Aldington said only about 160 volunteers had 
been tested and most smoked cigarettes and marijuana.

To show whether cannabis on its own caused problems, researchers needed 
"pure" marijuana smokers.

"The more people we manage to enrol, the greater the power of the study and 
the more strength. So far we've only had a few people who only smoke 

About 80 per cent of volunteers had been males aged between 18 and 40 
years. The oldest was in his mid-60s.

Participants had to be over 18. They had to answer a questionnaire and 
undergo a lung function test and CT chest scan. Anyone interested should 
phone the institute on (04) 472 9199.
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MAP posted-by: Larry Stevens