Pubdate: Wed, 08 Oct 2003 Source: Sherwood Park News (CN AB) Copyright: 2003 Sherwood Park News Contact: Details: Author: Thomas J. Hillgardner LIQUOR TOUGHER TO BUY THAN POT Sherwood Park News -- Someone needs to remind Garnett Genuis that teenagers are not the only people in the world and that the marijuana laws apply to everyone for he argues as if teenagers are the only persons affected by the marijuana laws. Also, it is curious that Mr. Genuis fails to address the most significant aspects of marijuana prohibition as it relates to teenagers: Drug dealers don't card (ask for ID), making marijuana easier for teens to obtain than alcohol or tobacco, the sale and distribution of which is regulated and the sale to minors of which is illegal, and; drug dealers sell hard drugs in addition to marijuana so that the "gateway" Garnett Genuis worries about is actually created by the marijuana laws and not the marijuana. Nonetheless, it is refreshing to see this youngster interested in important public policy issues. I hope that, in the future, he learns to listen carefully to all sides of an issue before making a judgment and speaking about it. Thomas J. Hillgardner Jamaica, New York - --- MAP posted-by: Larry Stevens