Pubdate: Fri, 10 Oct 2003 Source: Traverse City Record-Eagle (MI) Copyright: 2003 The Traverse City Record-Eagle Contact: Details: Author: Lynn O'Connor Referenced: Related: Bookmark: A STAND-UP GUY Who could argue with Judge Weaver that any judge who breaks the law ought to be off the bench? I fully expect that after her ethical reminder, any judge in Michigan who has ever received a speeding ticket will dutifully resign immediately. Judge Gilbert's offense was about as serious as a speeding ticket, although, of course, speeding endangers others, and Judge Gilbert's sin hurt no one. He could have escaped all this censure and controversy by telling a little white lie to begin with - "I didn't do it." It would have been a witness's word against his, no other proof. Instead, he faced up to it, told the truth, took the heat, rather than do something as truly dishonorable as lying to save his skin. Sounds like a stand-up guy to me. Someone with a sense of honor like that would make a good judge. In fact, I think I'll vote for him. Lynn O'Connor Traverse City - --- MAP posted-by: Doc-Hawk