Pubdate: Mon, 13 Oct 2003 Source: Evening News (UK) Copyright: 2003 Archant Regional Contact: Details: Author: Alun Buffry, Legalise Cannabis Alliance Bookmark: (Cannabis - United Kingdom) LAW CHANGE COULD HELP FUND EDUCATION In his attempt to justify the Government's U-turn on university students "top-up" fees, Charles Clarke said in an interview in Bournemouth that he considered it unfair that lorry drivers should have to pay to produce barristers, and that graduates would in the future earn enough to repay their education-incurred debts. I wonder whether Mr Clarke and his colleagues would now consider making an equivalent donation back into the public purse that provided grants for their own university education. Members of Parliament also earn far more than lorry drivers! Students are already leaving college with debts of well over UKP 10,000 (UKP). What a gift from the country that one day they may participate in running? I believe that education should be provided free to everyone. If they earn more later, they will pay more tax. To those who would ask where the money to provide free education would come from, the answer, to me and many others, is painstakingly obvious. Legalisation of cannabis which would bring separation from crime and hard drugs, taxation on profits - saving billions annually presently spent arresting and punishing victimless cannabis users; less alienation of such a huge proportion of people that the present regime criminalise; greater use of cheaper natural hemp resources for paper, fuel and energy; increase in employment and general improvement in the environment and public health. Alun Buffry, Legalise Cannabis Alliance Norwich - --- MAP posted-by: Larry Seguin