Pubdate: Mon, 20 Oct 2003
Source: Tennessean, The (TN)
Copyright: 2003 The Tennessean
Author: David Eshelman


To the Editor:

With glee and twisted pleasure, the mainstream liberal media has paraded 
Rush Limbaugh around like a conquered prisoner, sarcastically commenting on 
his serious problem with prescription drugs. The disrespect is appalling. 
In Ellen Goodman's Oct. 17 article, ''Rush, are we too tolerant now?'' she 
snidely likens Rush Limbaugh to a cocaine addict waiting for his next 
delivery of smack.

The truth is you cannot compare Rush's problem with that of a habitual drug 
addict. Rush underwent unsuccessful back surgery that caused him a great 
deal of pain, so his doctor prescribed him OxyContin. Using any powerful 
prescription drug for a long period of time can lead to addiction for 
anyone, including Ellen Goodman.

As a loyal Rush listener for 13 years, I was as shocked as anyone when the 
prescription drug allegations arose; however, despite what Ellen Goodman 
thinks, conservative Republicans are not getting ''too tolerant.'' There 
has not been a single conservative who has condoned Rush's addiction; we 
are, however, supporting Rush as he overcomes his problem. Rush Limbaugh 
has accepted full responsibility for his actions and has accepted the 
consequences as well.

Ellen Goodman certainly would not show ''one of her own'' the national 
disrespect that she has shown Rush Limbaugh. Instead of jeering and 
snickering, the media should show Rush some dignity and give him privacy 
while he heals in rehab. When music artists, actors, and the Hollywood 
elite enter rehab for drug addiction, the media gives them dignity and privacy.

The media need to show some class and give Rush equal treatment.

David Eshelman

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