Pubdate: Tue, 21 Oct 2003 Source: Montreal Gazette (CN QU) Copyright: 2003 The Gazette, a division of Southam Inc. Contact: Details: Author: Mike King Bookmark: (Methadone) PROGRAM A CONCERN FOR HEAD OF DETOX Giving heroin to addicts not 'logical' The head of a local detoxification centre questions a proposed test program that would provide heroin addicts with the drug of their choice. "I have difficulty with that," Rodrigue Pare, executive director of La Maison Jean Lapointe, said yesterday of the planned study to be conducted next year involving heroin users. "I don't see the logic of giving heroin addicts real heroin," Pare told The Gazette. "It's like giving booze to alcoholics or marijuana to pot smokers." Pare said he understood the reason for existing "harm-reduction" programs that are aimed at reducing health risks for addicts and others around them, like handing out free condoms to prevent the spread of AIDS, but added that he "can't see why they would use real heroin." He noted there is already a substitute for heroin, methadone, and social programs offered with that treatment at drug rehabilitation centres like his residential one in Old Montreal. Dr. Morris Kokin, director of treatment at the Foster Pavilion Drug and Rehabilitation Centre in St. Philippe de la Prairie on the South Shore, said he is aware of the program but isn't prepared to make any statements until he studies it further. Marianne Tonnelier of Cactus Montreal, an organization that runs programs for addicts, including needle exchanges, could not be reached for comment yesterday. - --- MAP posted-by: Josh