Pubdate: Tue, 21 Oct 2003 Source: Sun News (Myrtle Beach, SC) Copyright: 2003 Sun Publishing Co. Contact: Details: Note: apparent 150 word limit on LTEs Author: Billy Cooper LIMBAUGH DESERVES TOUGH TERMS HE URGED In regard to Rush Limbaugh's recent entanglement in [allegedly] illegal drug activity, his disciples must be appropriately confused. His daily tirades have often expressed his disgust with "drug addicts" and their erosion of America, usually associating them with those below the poverty line. Furthermore, he insists on zero tolerance for crime as opposed to "bleeding-heart liberal" policies of rehabilitation, etc. Would it not be hypocritical of him now to use his political contacts to obtain a lighter sentence for his offense? [If he has purchased] drugs illegally, he has contributed to what he considers a major problem in America. Following Limbaugh's own doctrine, he [would] deserve the maximum punishment and none of the wimpy liberal lenience he so despises. Billy Cooper Conway - --- MAP posted-by: Larry Stevens