Pubdate: Sat, 1 Nov 2003
Source: Dallas Morning News (TX)
Copyright: 2003 The Dallas Morning News
Author: Gary Griffith


Re: "Police Scandal Deepens ­ City must get to the bottom of this," last 
Saturday's Editorials. In January 2002, the FBI and U.S. Department of 
Justice formally requested in writing that the Dallas Police Department not 
move forward with its planned investigation of the department's fake drug 
scandal until the FBI concluded its own investigation. Since I have been on 
the City Council fewer than five months I took the opportunity this week to 
ask the FBI if it has in any way changed its directive to the city of 
Dallas. It said unequivocally that it had not. The FBI stated further that 
it has not concluded its investigation.

I want to assure the public that there will be an investigation launched by 
the city of Dallas into the fake drug scandal immediately upon the 
conclusion of the FBI investigation. And we will get to the bottom of it.

Gary Griffith, Public Safety Committee, Dallas City Council, Dallas
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