Pubdate: Wed, 05 Nov 2003
Source: This Day (Nigeria)
Copyright: 2003 This Day.
Author: Godwin Haruna



Courier companies operating in Nigeria have been enjoined to join in
the fight to combat the trafficking of banned substances in the country.

Director-General National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA), Mr.
Dave Ashang, who made the appeal at the opening ceremony of a two-day
seminar for courier operators in Lagos yesterday, said drug
traffickers were enemies of the nation.

Ashang stated that the gathering of stakeholders in the courier
business for the seminar was a unique opportunity to rub minds in
order to address the attendant consequences of drug trafficking and
money laundering.

"This seminar could not have come at a better time as drug trafficking
and money laundering continue to pose serious concerns to various
nations, Nigeria not an exception. Drug problem affects Nigeria in a
two-pronged way; bad image for the largest black nation and the
negative effect to the psyche of our great nation. The threat of drugs
to youths, families, communities and Nigerian society at large, is
very alarming. Our young people are the nation's treasure and the
ravaging influences of drugs are cutting at the very fabrics of our
families and nation", he stated.

He said money laundering has also assumed a rather frightening
dimension in the world because of its devastating effects on the
social and political economies of nations.

Ashang said the activities of drug traffickers and money launders were
closely related since every successful hard drug trade results into
subsequent money laundering activity.

He said it was disturbing to discover that recent arrest and seizures
by NDLEA operatives have indicated that traffickers have started using
courier companies to carry out their nefarious trade.

Earlier in his welcome address, Mr. Dan Umaru, director, training and
manpower development of the agency said since the primary target of
any drug baron or trafficker was to move his consignment from one
point to the other, a courier company could come handy.

Umaru said the seminar was meant to enlighten, inform and educate the
participants that courier business operators and NDLEA could
collaborate in different areas of our national life to make the
society safer.
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MAP posted-by: Larry Seguin