Pubdate: Sat, 01 Nov 2003
Source: Kerrville Daily Times (TX)
Copyright: 2003 The Daily Times


One of the best times to give a message to children is when they are young 
and a lasting impression can be made. If that message comes from someone 
who a child respects, the chance of retention is greater.

Last week, local law enforcement, emergency medical personnel, narcotics 
officers, game wardens, firefighters and electricity experts combined their 
talents to present the sixth annual Safety Awareness Day.

Area fourth-graders saw presentations on safety and good conduct at the 
Hill Country Youth Exhibit Center. The function of each entity represented 
was explained to the children and demonstrations were given on how to 
remain safe in today's environment.

Our local public servants are to be commended for making an effort to give 
our children valuable lessons in avoiding danger, and if necessary, 
surviving it. We salute them.

One student summed up what he learned when he said, "Always wear a helmet 
when you're on a bike and never do drugs." If one young mind was reached, 
the program was a success. We hope all the children got the message.
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MAP posted-by: Larry Stevens