Pubdate: Sat, 01 Feb 2003
Source: Bangkok Post (Thailand)
Copyright: The Post Publishing Public Co., Ltd. 2003
Author: Wirawat Watanakul


Admittedly, I'm not a big fan of Khun Thaksin, but drugs dealers are 
definitely not in my phone book. So what if Khun Thaksin set an impossible 
deadline to get rid of all drugs in Thailand? If the deadline is not met, 
he will probably come up with some lame excuse.

However, I welcome whatever extra effort the police are using to achieve 
this target. Khun Thaksin should make sure that these efforts continue even 
after the three months are up. I for one will be standing up and applauding 
Khun Thaksin if he has the courage to admit that there was not enough time 
and extends the deadline, rather than just let the whole thing drop just 
like his promise to solve Bangkok's traffic jam.

Do keep in mind that no country in the world is drug-free. Our country is 
no exception. Therefore, a deadline to get rid of all illegal drugs is 
probably never going to be achieved. Drug trafficking is rampant in 
Thailand, but Khun Thaksin has a chance to make a difference. Whatever the 
deadline is, I will not criticise him if he can show us he is truly 
committed to a long-term solution to the drug problem, and that this is not 
just an empty promise to gain popularity which ends with no results to gauge.

Wirawat Watanakul
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