Pubdate: Wed, 19 Nov 2003 Source: Sun News (Myrtle Beach, SC) Copyright: 2003 Sun Publishing Co. Contact: Details: Note: apparent 150 word limit on LTEs WHY THE CLINIC? Addicts Created Here Need Treatment Here, Too Opponents of the proposed Grand Strand Center of Hope clinic depict prospective patients as heroin junkies getting by on methadone until they score their next fix. But the likelier clientele is local folks whose association with the disgraced Comprehensive Care and Pain Management Center of Myrtle Beach has left them addicted to OxyContin and other opiate-based prescription drugs. Pain Management Center doctors were convicted in federal court of illegal distribution of controlled substances and other narcotics violations earlier this year. From 1997 to 2001, the clinic's principal doctors raked in millions as they wrote phony prescriptions for thousands of patients. Why should we have a methadone clinic here - somewhere, if not at Fantasy Harbour? Because some of these folks are friends and neighbors trying to kick addictions cynically promoted by "healers" they trusted. If they got hooked on OxyContin here, why shouldn't they be able to kick it here, too? - --- MAP posted-by: Larry Seguin