Pubdate: Fri, 21 Nov 2003
Source: Sun News (Myrtle Beach, SC)
Copyright: 2003 Sun Publishing Co.
Note: apparent 150 word limit on LTEs
Author: John Wierszewski
Bookmark: (Methadone)


Viers represents residents' views; comment fine By John Wierszewski

I am so amazed at The Sun News' comment regarding Thad Viers ("Youthful 
acting out," Nov. 12). I, for one, understand his context [for the remark, 
"They forget that in this state, I get to vote on judges"], and it is 
nowhere near as distorted as this newspaper claims.

It was very plain to me he was hinting that any future support of the judge 
come election time could be persuaded by [the judge's] decision [in the 
Center of Hope Clinic's Circuit Court challenge to Horry County Board of 
Adjustments and Zoning Appeals reconsideration of its approval of a 
methadone clinic at Fantasy Harbour]. Nothing wrong with that. Look at the 
[U.S.] Senate now. The editor of the article highlighted Thad "persuading" 
the zoning board.

Besides, where are the previous candidates, or for that matter any 
candidate who wants to represent District 68? Do they only care about their 
neighborhoods? I reside close to where that clinic is going, and I have a 
daughter who waits at a bus stop in the vicinity. I do not relish the 
thought of leaving for work knowing my wife and daughter could be subjected 
to an "addict" who may need money for a fix.

There are proper places for clinics like this, and it is nowhere near homes 
and schools. Hey, let's try something different, let's crack down on the 
drug dealers and rid ourselves of the problem.

As for the newspaper's idea of Thad's youthful acting out, Thad is the only 
representative voice with enough backbone to hear his constituents and act 
accordingly. If he chooses to use this incident in future selection 
processes, he does so with a lot of support. That, folks, is politics. He 
speaks for me and many other residents opposed to this clinic, and he will 
continue to do so with more support than The Sun News wishes to admit.
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