Pubdate: Thu, 11 Dec 2003 Source: Bradenton Herald (FL) Copyright: 2003 Bradenton Herald Contact: Details: Author: Thomas F. Gurski Bookmark: RUSH FOOLS MANY Rush Limbaugh, the 20th century's version of the old-time snake-oil salesman, is still managing to rope in not only the country's local yokels but also some well-educated albeit not so well-read upper-middle-class "ditto heads." Recently, a local physician, Robert E. King, took it upon himself to castigate the Herald's editorial board for pointing out the glaring hypocrisy of Limbaugh's past callous "throw the drug pushers and abusers in jail and throw away the key" attitude. Since Rush is now an admitted drug addict and a former eager client of drug pushers, the doctor in question wants compassion for a truly disgusting demagogue whose only stock in trade is character assassination of the first order. Limbaugh will trash any Washington legislator who is sensitive to the needs of the elderly, the unemployed victims of "free trade" and the growing number of impoverished under the present administration. In view of the above facts, if the good doctor is inclined to learn more of what makes Limbaugh and his more vocal "ditto heads" tick, an excellent clinical analysis in the Nov. 19 issue of the Herald by Dr. Paul Ginnetty, a teaching professor of psychology, would be a good place to start. Ginnetty is a qualified professional who has thoroughly studied the minds of groups and individuals and how it affects their actions. Ginnetty does not paint a pretty picture of Rush Limbaugh and his more vocal "ditto heads." But as the old saying goes, "You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear." Thomas F. Gurski Bradenton - --- MAP posted-by: Larry Seguin