Pubdate: Tue, 04 Feb 2003 Source: Times, The (UK) Copyright: 2003 Times Newspapers Ltd Contact: Details: Author: Richard Ford, Home Correspondent ZERO TOLERANCE MAY MASK DRUG USAGE ZERO tolerance drug policies used by schools may be counter-productive because pupils simply conceal their drug problems, according to a Home Office report. A study of the drug abuse habits of 300 young offenders concluded that low or zero tolerance strategies in schools "may not be helpful" for the youngsters. "It encourages children to conceal rather than deal with their drug use and can lead to the exclusion of those caught," the report, published yesterday, said. "They are not necessarily those who use drugs most and not the only users in school." The conclusions from the Home Office study contrast with guidance from the Department for Education and Skills which has toughened head teachers' powers to expel drug-dealing pupils. A fifth of the group studied for the Home Office report had dealt in drugs, shoplifted, sold stolen goods or gone joyriding at least 20 times in the previous year. More than 85 per cent had used cannabis, alcohol and tobacco, but the number of heroin and crack cocaine users was still comparatively low. It was found that 18 per cent had taken crack and 11 per cent heroin, but use of these two drugs was "infrequent". In fact, researchers concluded that the group, all but one of whom was under 18, were not being drawn into use of the very hardest drugs, even though they were regularly using Ecstasy, amphetamines, cocaine, LSD and cannabis. The Home Office also published reports saying that 42 per cent of young homeless people had taken heroin and 38 per cent crack cocaine. - --- MAP posted-by: Beth