Pubdate: Sat, 20 Dec 2003
Source: Hattiesburg American (MS)
Copyright: 2003 Hattiesburg American
Author: Nikki Davis Maute


Man Sentenced To 50 Years In Jail

Forrest-Perry Circuit Court Judge Bob Helfrich Friday sentenced convicted 
drug dealer Kado James Jackson to 50 years in prison and levied a $25,000 fine.

"You ask for mercy," Helfrich told him. "Well I have no mercy for you. It 
is evident to the court you are a major player in the drug market. You are 
a player who made, at your own admission, crack cocaine, the most addictive 

A jury on Tuesday convicted Jackson, 34, of sale of a controlled substance 
within 1,500 feet of a church, which doubles the penalties. Nearly three 
pounds of cocaine were seized with Jackson at the time of his arrest.

Helfrich sentenced Jackson to the maximum 60 years, but suspended 10 years.

Forrest-Perry District Attorney Jon Mark Weathers said the judge's message 
is clear.

"If you're a drug dealer we're coming to get you," Weathers said.

When Weathers took office in July, one of his proposals was to get career 
criminals off the city's streets.

"I think we started that today," he said.

Helfrich said over the last decade, crack cocaine has ruined the lives of 
countless citizens.

"What disturbs me is that you are not a user, but a predator who preys on 
the sickness and weakness of others for profit," Helfrich said. "For that 
reason I will show no mercy."

Jackson's attorney Tracy Klein said he will appeal Jackson's conviction and 

Klein had asked Helfrich to delay sentencing while family members and 
friends had an opportunity to write their remarks.

"I think the sentence is way out of line since five years was the maximum 
sentence the last 15 defendants this year received on drug charges," Klein said.
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